Collaborate with the School of Engineering

There are many benefits to collaborating with the School of Engineering. Our students are the innovators and employees of tomorrow who come out with the latest knowledge in their respective areas of education. Together with companies, both research and education are carried out with companies' challenges in focus. Below you will find several different offers and opportunities for collaboration as well contact routes at the School of Engineering.

Ensuring professional growth

Main offers

Does your business require skills development in a particular area? Do you need help with a project or study? The School of Engineering's industrial placement courses are a "win-win" for both you and our students. By inviting an engineering student to carry out an internship at your company, you will gain the opportunity to develop your business based on your needs. At the same time, the student will get the chance to perform stimulating and fulfilling tasks within his/her field of study. You will design the internship together with the student, thus ensuring that both parties optimize the benefits of such collaboration. 

Read our broschure Pdf, 3.2 MB, opens in new window. about IPC and thesis projects or read more about IPC here.

Read about what courses our students take before their IPC.

Is your company active in the international market? Or do you need an international perspective on a problem or process? At the School of Engineering, hundreds of international students study at different levels. Through internships, so-called Industry placement courses, or degree projects, they can take on your challenges and see them from new angles.

Is your company facing a challenge that could benefit from a fresh perspective? Would you like to streamline your work routines and manufacturing processes, or perhaps investigate how office design affects employee productivity? By inviting an engineering student to conduct thesis work at your business, you can gain an academic perspective and find solutions to a real-life challenge within your organzation. At the same time, the student will gain the opportunity to test his/her theoretical knowledge. Such an arrangement will provide added value to both you and our students.

Read our broschure Pdf, 3.2 MB, opens in new window. about IPC and thesis projects or read more about thesis projects here

Karriärum is the School of Engineering's career day. The event offers your business with an excellent promotional opportunity, and can help it find new, skilled workers. Establish contacts with curious and committed students, and make use of the opportunity to invite them to carry out an internship or thesis work at your business. At Karriärum, you will also encounter many other regional and national businesses that may be important for your network.


At Xjobbsmässan our students show the results of their studies - the thesis project. Their gathered knowledge have transformed to a product or solution to a problem in the industry. Take the opportunity to discuss ideas with skilled engineers and masterstudents that's graduating and ready for working life.

Read more about the Xjobbsmässan.

"Jobportal" is a job portal that is free for you to use. Here, you can reach out to students and provide them with information about everything from internship openings to job vacancies. Your advertisement will be displayed directly in the job portal, which is used by thousands of qualified students. 

Read more about the Jobportal here.

Boost your company's visibility by awarding scholarships to talented students. The School of Engineering organizes a large scholarship awards ceremony in connection with the Xjobbsmässan, thesis fair, in May-June of each year. Scholarships are a great way to encourage students to carry out internships/industrial placement courses and thesis work at your company. 

Build your business and your brand in collaboration with our students and researchers. There are many ways to sponsor the School of Engineering while also increasing your brand exposure, and we are eager to hear your suggestions! One project that has had a large media impact is our solar-powered car, for which 60 companies provided sponsorship in the form of funding, knowledge and materials. The JU solar car competes against about 40 universities from around the world - the six day long race is held in Australia. The solar car's partners are promoted by students and staff and also benefit from exposure on the web, in printed materials, and at events. Our sponsors are even displayed on the car itself.

Skills Development

Main offers

A research collaboration with the School of Engineering can provide useful results and insights for your business that also strengthen your company's brand and competitiveness.

Read more about current research here.

Our programs are designed to make your company and your staff even better. We offer seminars, courses, lectures and workshops tailored to your wishes and needs. In consultation with your company, we can develop an approach that suits your needs when it comes to time, place and content.

The school of Engineering offers a wide variety of higher covational education programs. Such courses cover everything from automation and robotics engineering to real estate engineering and .NET development. The courses are designed, developed and operated in close collaboration with industry professsionals. As a result, the right workers with the right skills end up in the right job placement. 

If you have any questions about our courses, please contact Mats Kihlman

Keep track of events and gatherings that may be of interest to your company by subscribing to our newsletter. The newsletter will also keep you updated about your opportunities for collaborating with the School of Engineering.  

We communicate up-to-the-minute news via LinkedIn - to stay updated, follow us: School of Engineering, Jönköping University.

Personal meetings are the foundation for all collaboration. Therefore, we prioritize meetings with you and your company - by visiting you or by inviting to meetings at the School of Engineering. If you are curious about our offers or have new ideas for collaboration, we are ready to hear what you have to say!


Other offers

Let us host your board meeting in the center of Jönköping! We will help with administrative tasks such as ordering fika and lunch according to your taste and give you the opportunity to listen to current research in an area of your choosing.

Could your company benefit from a customized lecture on the latest developments in structural engineering? Or perhaps a discussion of the latest findings within the field of production systems? The School of Engineering offers lectures in a number of areas that are relevant to your company's skill development - specifically tailored to your business needs and wishes

Our research is important to solidify swedish companies competetivity. The School of Engineerings researchers regularly present current research through different forums and lectures. Find out how our research is relevant to your business and how it can help you stay competitive. 

The School of Engineering has regional, national and global networks and arranges regular networking events; industry players are welcome to attend.

The School of Engineering organizes conferences (often in collaboration with industry players) highlighting current issues and research. These conferences give your company the opportunity to raise its knowledge level, to make contacts, and to establish partnerships with other businesses and academics.

You can also choose to arrange your own conference here at the School of Engineering; you will have access to excellent facilities, skilled lecturers, and everything else you need to arrange a successful event.

The School of Engineering's main entrance is teeming with students- You can set up a stand here to present your company, and establish personal contacts with the workforce of the future. Your presence on campus will be announced in advance vua various channels, thus ensuring that studentw with the right skills know that you are on site. 

Is your company working on with a new product or service? Would you like to gain new ideas or perspectives on your work? A workshop can be an effective tool in the brainstorming phase or in connection with the start-up of new projects. Allow our engineering students to work with your ideas in a workshop setting and gain new thoughts and insights.


Give our students a programming challenge by arranging a Hackathon! Students will work with your case and present various solutions from which your company can draw inspiration. A hackathon is an event where students get together to program and to get inspired by each other's skills. In a hackathon, participants are usually given free rein to program what they wish - no holds barred. A hackathon usually lasts for 24 hours or for a weekend. There are also hackathons where people develop, modify or improve physical artifacts.


Offers for established partners

A research collaboration with the School of Engineering can provide useful results and insights for your business that also strengthen your company's brand and competitiveness.

Read more about current research here.

By participating in the steering committee for a study program, you and you company can play a role in shaping the engineers of tommorrow. As a member of a steering committee, you can influence the content of our courses, thus ensuring that our students learn the skills that your industry is looking for. 

Is your company working on a project that could benefit from an influx of fresh ideas? You have the possibility of developing a course based on your business project.

Is your company globally active and in need of manpower, skills, development or research? The School of Engineering's international campus program ensures that our students can carry out their internships or thesis projects in collaboration with foreign companies, usually in combination with an academic study abroad agreement. As a company, you can gain fresh contacts with new skills while also receiving help with your development projects. In return, our student gain the kind of international experience that is highly sought after by employers. 

Read more about our International Campus here.

Based on a long-term challenge or project at your company, we can connect different levels of student projects such as NFK, thesis projects and possibly research. For more information, contact Stefan Brolin.